It seems this time of year bring a merry-go -round of sickness our way. As soon as I get the kids to feeling better I get sick as soon as I get better they are sick again. With kids in 2 different schools and just being out in public I think it is inevitable.
Anyway I have spent the weekend in bed with Tonsillitis. yes i still have my Tonsils and the Dr, wants them out. But with 3 children, PTA, and everything else I do where do I have the time to take the break to have surgery? My point is that I have been working on some blog ideas and this will be a busy week of updates. I have some news of an exciting program that Disney is going to be launching . So that I can do it justice I want to write about it with a clear head. Also I am going to sound -off on some states trying to make the Flu shot mandatory. So give me a few days and I am going to have lots of new stuff up!
14 years ago
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