As school was rapidly approaching I descided to tackle things a bit differently this year. I feel I can no longer ignore this whole organized approach thing. So let me go back to last week. I was so looking forward to my metroplex baby luncheon on Thursday. Those events do not come around enough and it really was the one truly bright spot on my calaander ( yes I have always had one of those, whether or not it is on the right month is the question). So I had a delightful lunch and speaker on managing children in the 2's and 3's. I still think she would have changed her tune had she met my dear sweet Jude. So Thursday evening was PTA, Friday was supply sale and Saturday was trying to get a bit of rest before the daily grind started back up again.
Sunday I started my plan. I folded laundry and picked out James' clothes for the week. Tried to get as much together as possible so that I would not feel harried come Monday morning. I made James' favorite dinner of spaghetti and meatballs and started the bath process. It was here that I made my major error of judgement. In my attempt to get everyone bathed and to bed. I allowed James and Jude to take a bath together while I got Jenner into a diaper and pj's. I heard the screams from across the house. I came running to see Jude covered in blood and a wound above his eye. I realized this needed to be seen immediatly and as I looked at the clock realized that urgent care closed in 25 min. SO I don't even bother to get him dressed just a throw him in the car. I waited long enough to get the story from James that Jude had jumped in the bath tub and hit his eye on the faucet causeing the 2 inch gash I now saw. So much for my nice organized calm night before school started.
When we got to pediatric urgent care with a whole 2 min to spare. They informed me that due to where it was I would have to go to the ER since Jude would need to be sedated before they could do the stitches. As the Dr. walked in she remembered him from about a year ago and remembered that he could sit still. So she said we could try derma glu. Luckily it held for at least the onset so we at least temporarily avoided the ordeal of stitches. Now how long it will hold is the question. I came home and was ready for a Margarita, martini and Valium, but settled for a coke and a brownie.
Monday actually ran smoothly. James really wanted to bring his teacher an apple and was so very proud to present it to her. He really seems to like his teacher and has come out of school every afternoon with a smile and saying he had a good day. Actually having his clothes already assembled in his closet has worked well and cut down on the time spent trying to find things in the morning. I might actually even be embracing the organized thing. I think I could embrace anything that does not involve a trip to urgent care right now!
14 years ago
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